Stream Conditions

The Pinellas Stream Conditions page provides a general overview of annual stream health based on important water quality and biological indicators, including chlorophyll a, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, dissolved oxygen saturation, bacteria, and macroinvertebrate community and aquatic vegetation condition. The ratings are based on water quality standards and criteria for streams established by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection under the Federal Clean Water Act (Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 62-302).

In highly developed areas like Pinellas County, stormwater, which is the water that runs off landscapes and impervious surfaces such as roadways, roofs, and parking lots, may account for a large percentage of the flow in streams, along with wastewater discharges and natural water sources like springs. Stormwater carries pollutants from the landscape into ditches, canals, and streams and eventually into coastal bays and the Gulf of Mexico. Water quality monitoring results are used to guide management actions to reduce pollution and maintain or restore ecological health.

Pinellas County regularly monitors water quality and biological communities in the freshwater portions of 26 streams, as well as some brackish areas where saltwater mixes with freshwater. View detailed condition information for each stream by selecting from the list below.


For a stream to receive a Pass rating, sample values for nutrient and bacteria indicators must meet or exceed established standards; otherwise, it receives a FAIL rating.

Indicator Health Icons
Indicator PASS rating FAIL rating
Chlorophyll a Pass Rating Indicator Icon for Chlorophyll a FAIL Rating Indicator Icon for Chlorophyll a
Nitrogen, Total Pass Rating Indicator Icon for Total Nitrogen FAIL Rating Indicator Icon for Total Nitrogen
Phosphorus, Total Pass Rating Indicator Icon for Total Phosphorous FAIL Rating Indicator Icon for Total Phosphorous
Bacteria (Enterococcus and/or E. coli) Pass Rating Indicator Icon for Bacteria FAIL Rating Indicator Icon for Bacteria
Stream Condition Index (SCI) Pass Rating Indicator Icon for SCI FAIL Rating Indicator Icon for SCI