Water-Related News

FWC to meet July 19 and 20 in St. Petersburg

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The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) will meet in person July 19-20 at the Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront, 333 First Street SE, St. Petersburg, FL 33701. The meeting begins at 8:30 a.m. ET each day and is open to the public.

The FWC is committed to providing opportunities for public input. There are several opportunities prior to the Commission meeting to provide comments. Also, time is allotted for public speakers at the Commission meeting.

Additionally, at the end of the second day, July 20, the Commission will provide time for public comment on subjects not on the agenda. Those people who wish to offer comments during this period will be asked to ensure their comments are not related to any agenda item. The deadline for registration to speak on items not on the agenda is 9:30 a.m. ET on July 20.

Public speaking is organized using a speaker registration process and time limits. To accommodate as much input as possible from those attending, the Chairman reserves the right to designate the amount of time given to each topic and speaker.

For the full July 19-20 agenda and links to background reports, go to MyFWC.com/Commission and select “Commission Meetings.” Those who cannot attend can follow coverage at Twitter.com/MyFWC (@MyFWC) and sign up for news updates at MyFWC.com. Check the Florida Channel for possible live video coverage at TheFloridaChannel.org.

[Note: An agenda item of local interest is the presentation of final rules for fishing regulations that would reduce severe entanglement of seabirds at Skyway Fishing Pier State Park.]