Water-Related News

Mini-Grants Make a Difference

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Safe drinking water starts at the source. In fact, protecting our region’s water resources is the first step in the multi-barrier process that ultimately leads to safe, clean drinking water at the tap. That’s why Tampa Bay Water invests in outreach and education efforts through its Source Water Protection Mini-Grant Program. The mini-grants range from $2,000-$10,000 and are a cost-effective way to improve public understanding and participation in protecting regional water sources.

This year, Tampa Bay Water selected four applicants to receive mini-grants:

Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful will receive $10,000 for its Environmental Education Program, which includes presentations to schools and community groups, field trips and hands-on lessons at the Florida Learning Gardens.

Girl Scouts of West Central Florida will receive $8,000 to support the “What’s In My Bottle Matters” program that teaches the importance of clean drinking water and actions that can be taken to protect local water sources for years to come. The funding will also be used to install new water fountain/filling stations and signage at local Girl Scout camp properties.

Keep Pinellas Beautiful will receive $5,300 to provide community-based, age-appropriate, source water protection presentations to students and adults in Pinellas County.

Glazer Children’s Museum will receive $4,000 to support a water conservation education program during April 2016, which will include water exhibits and education programs.

Since 2008, Tampa Bay Water has invested more than $150,000 in its mini-grant program. These local, community based efforts make a difference in protecting our most precious resource.