Water-Related News

“Watery” curriculum guide available for teachers

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The Tampa Bay Times Newspaper in Education (NIE) program is a cooperative effort between schools and the Times to promote the use of newspapers in print and electronic form as educational resources. Their educational resources fall into the category of informational text. Informational text is a type of nonfiction text. The primary purpose of informational text is to convey information about the natural or social world.

The NIE program's most recent offering is a 16-page curriculum supplement, “Answers on Tap”, containing information about water resources in the Tampa Bay area. It teaches middle school-aged students about water sources, safe drinking water, surface water pollutant sources, water conservation steps indoors and out, potable water delivery methods, water treatment, water resource management careers, and agencies responsible for regulating water resources in the Tampa Bay area.

For more information about NIE, visit tampabay.com/nie or call 800-333-7505, ext. 8138. Follow NIE on Twitter at Twitter.com/TBTimesNIE. For additional copies of this NIE publication, email ordernie@tampabay.com.

Answers on Tap

It all begins with a raindrop. But after that raindrop falls from the sky, where does it go? It depends on where that raindrop lands. Tampa Bay Water, the regional wholesale drinking water utility, takes that raindrop — and millions more — from three different sources and blends them together. Those sources are groundwater, surface water and desalinated seawater. Tampa Bay Water is the only water utility in the United States to take advantage of these three sources of water combined.

To order this educational publication, e-mail ordernie@tampabay.com. Please include your name, name and address of your school, the grade that you teach and phone number. You can also download a PDF of the publication, by clicking on the link below.