Teachers, register now for FREE, week-long summer environmental enrichment workshop
The University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences and Extension Service are teaming up with St. Petersburg College to offer a fun and informative week-long workshop for pre-service elementary education students and elementary teachers with a focus on environmental education.
The aim of this workshop is to provide participants with tools to interpret the natural world and impart the need for resource conservation. Using national curricula from Project Learning Tree, Project Wet, Project Wild and 4-H (all correlated to Next Generation Sunshine State Standards and Common Core State Standards) participants will be given activities and resources to help foster environmental knowledge and good environmental stewardship in their students.
Registration for the training will allow for 15 pre-service and 15 in-service elementary teachers to participate. This purposeful registration was developed to provide the opportunity for mentorships to be established among pre-service and in-service teachers.
Each day will feature different environmental subjects and professional speakers will be brought in to provide background knowledge to participants. Each day of the workshop will conclude with an evaluation of the day’s activities. The final day, participants will complete a planning sheet for future implementation. Certificates will be awarded for the completion of specific portions of the training as well as a final certificate of accomplishment upon completion of providing proof of utilization of materials in the classroom.
Teacher Summer Enrichment at Brooker Creek Preserve
July 22-26, 2013
All classes will run from 9:00am – 3:30pm
Day 1, Monday, July 22: Project Learning Tree
Day 2, Tuesday, July 23: Plant Connections
Day 3, Wednesday, July 24: Project WET
Day 4, Thursday, July 25: Creating a School Garden
Day 5, Friday, July 26: Project WILD & Graduation