Fort De Soto’s 50th BIrthday Celebration on May 11th
Happy Birthday, Fort DeSoto!
It has been named America’s Best Beach, and one of the 20 most beautiful beaches in the world, according to Trip Advisor. Fort De Soto Park has been a crown jewel of the Pinellas County park system and this year it celebrates its 50th year.
To help celebrate this significant anniversary, the Friends of Fort De Soto are planning a big beach bash on Saturday, May 11. Activities throughout the day will be reminiscent of the opening of the park, featuring the Tampa Bay Water Ski Show and special guest, reigning Miss Florida 2012 Laura McKeeman.
The day begins with a sea oat planting at 9 a.m. Sign up is behind the fort from 8 to 9 a.m. There will be a re-dedication ceremony and then the water ski show will hit the gulf waters at approximately 10:30 a.m. After the show, kayakers and paddlers will eco-paddle to the north tip of the island to continue planting sea oats.
The afternoon will be filled with music, a community barbecue, giveaways and exhibits that include Tampa Bay Watch, Birds of Prey and other community groups. The event will take place rain or shine. For more information, call (727) 582-2267.
Go online to learn more about Fort De Soto park. Videos about Fort De Soto may be viewed on You Tube.