Pinellas County students at 12 schools will study the issues surrounding our freshwater resources thanks to Splash! school grants from the Southwest Florida Water Management District.
The Pinellas County awardees are:
Irene Seybold, Cross Bayou Elementary, $3,000
Christoper Cartier, Eisenhower Elementary, $2,900
Leigh Loveland, Forest Lakes Elementary, $2,998
Jennifer Shuman, Frontier Elementary, $3,000
Leslie Pohley, Largo Middle, $2,810
Natasha Coles, Madeira Beach Fundamental Elementary, $2,976
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Ted Anderson, New Heights Elementary, $3,000
Carla March, Ozona Elementary, $1,800
Denise Johnson, Pasadena Fundamental Elementary, $2,998
Donna Blanton, Pinellas Park Elementary, $2,875
Mistie Meditz, Skyview Elementary, $2,470
Megan Barnitz, Thurgood Marshall Fundamental Middle, $2,030
The goal of the Splash! school grant program is to provide teachers with funding to enhance student knowledge of topics that meet the District’s core mission and teach students about their local watersheds, water conservation, quality and supply. Splash! school grants provide up to $3,000 per school on a reimbursement basis and are available to public school teachers.
This year, 94 Splash! grants were awarded across the District’s 16-county region to educate students on water resources. Past Splash! grant projects include student monitoring of local water quality, environmental field studies and school or community outreach campaigns designed to encourage water conservation.