Metadata Summary: FDEP - Watershed Assessment Section
Dataset Type: Monitoring/Sampling Data
Name of Data Source: FDEP - Watershed Assessment Section
Number of Water Resources Sampled: 7
Datasource Abbreviation (dataset): WIN_21FLWQA
Description of Datasource: The core function of the Watershed Assessment Section is to use the best available information to identify waterbodies and water segments (WBIDs) that are not meeting the applicable water quality standards and designated uses based on the Impaired Waters Rule Chapter 62-303, Florida Administrative Code.
Method of Transferring Data to the Atlas: Download via WIN WAVES
How Often Data is Transferred to the Atlas: Quarterly
Data Current on Atlas as of: 2/16/2025 10:42:03 PM
Period of Record Within the Atlas: 2/25/2014 - 12/16/2024
Disclaimer/Use Constraints:
Not Available
Custodian Information:
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Division of Environmental Assessment & Restoration (DEAR)
Watershed Assessment Section
Contact Name: Kevin O'Donnell
Contact Phone: (850) 245-8469
Contact E-mail:
Contact URL: